Aimed to increase economic resilience of community members in GNIP areas, various saving groups were either formed or enhanced in Pugad, Sagrada Familia, Prieto Diaz, and Laak CDPs. Facilitated by the Income Generation (IG) sector, saving groups were created to improve community understanding and knowledge on savings and loans programs. Throughout the three areas of Pugad, Laak, and Sagrada Familia, over 75 parents joined the newly-formed savings groups in the first quarter of 2017, with 21, 33 and 21 members respectively. On the other hand, 20 members of Prieto Diaz Savings Group were reoriented last April 18 as the group enters the 2nd cycle of the program.
Through the formation of savings groups, GNIP hopes that parents will eventually have sustained access to financial resources to provide for basic needs of their families and also to develop livelihood opportunities within the community.