Various savings group activities were done in 2nd quarter through the efforts of various GNIP field offices. In Laak, the Women of Aguinaldo Association for Savings (WAgAS) met for a group meeting while the Mag-Agbay Savings Association (MagASA) was also formed.
In Prieto Diaz, various activities were conducted from April to June for the Diamond Savings Group, San Antonio Women’s Savings Group, San Isidro Rural Improvement Club, and CSF Savings group. The activities ranged from orientations to financial literacy and training workshops.
Instilling financial literacy at a young age, Bulacan field office also held a Kiddie Savings training for children in sponsored communities. The savings training aims to teach children the value of money saving.
All efforts to teach savings to the community aims to build understanding on the benefits of Savings Program as a form of security. It also aims to encourage and influence behavior towards financial awareness and collective efforts for savings groups.