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GNIP shows its support to the #ChildrenNotCriminals campaign opposing the lowering of MACR

As child rights advocates, GNIP has been vocal about its opposition in lowering the minimum age of criminal responsibility (MACR) which intends to jail children as young as nine years old, disregarding the detrimental effects it may have on them.

Ever since its release as a priority bill of the current administration, GNIP has not only been vigilant of the issue but has also actively supported campaigns against the move such as #ChildrenNotCriminals campaign as headed by GNIP’s own partner network, Child Rights Network (CRN).

In the recent months, GNIP supported social media efforts against lowering the MACR raising awareness on the issue and encouraging others to be a voice for children in a petition campaign, especially through the hashtags #ChildrenNotCriminals and #TulongHindiKulong.

Aside from online efforts, GNIP, together with other child rights advocates and 142 individuals, also joined a protest action outside HOR last February 22 showing strong opposition against the proposed bill. Over 15 organizations raised their voices in a noise barrage calling for lawmakers to hear and heed the voice of children as they make their decision.

GNIP field offices together with the Child Rights Club (CRC) members also took their part in the campaign as they led various forums and talks discussing the said issue and proposed measure.